Monday, July 4, 2016

The Holy Blood, Madonna and Child, a canal ride and dinner by the North Sea--all in one day!

We packed a lot into this day.

The Basilica of the Holy Blood is said to house several drops of Christ's blood on a small piece of cloth.  It was preserved in a rock-crystal vial in Jerusalem.  In 1150 the  patriarch of Jerusalem gave the blood to a Flemish soldier, as thanks for rescuing his city from the Muslims during the Second Crusade.  He in turn brought it back to his home church.  The relic itself is kept in a six inch tube of rock crystal, inside a gold tabernacle on the alter.

On holy days, the relic is displayed on the throne under the canopy.  We didn't know it was a holy day, but for what ever reason we were very fortunate to be able to see it today.  When it is displayed two elders of the church watch over it.

No pictures of the relic are allowed.

This picture is a copy from a book.  All other pictures are ours.
Next was the Church of Our Lady to see Michelangelo's Madonna and Child.  This towering brick church stands as a memorial to the power and wealth of Bruges in its heyday.

A wealthy local man purchased the statue from the sculptor.  It's said to be the only Michelangelo statue to leave Italy in his lifetime.  The white Carrara marble is highly polished, something Michelangelo only did when he was certain he'd gotten it right.

Even though the Madonna and Child are the focal point of this church, there are many other exquisite things to see here.

Before heading to the canal ride, we stopped for lunch and a treat.  Who wouldn't want to eat a little white chocolate mouse?

We boarded the boat for our 30 minute ride through the city, under the bridges and along  the walking paths.

Since Bruges is known for its lace making,  we saw a "lace map" of the city.

Later, we also saw a weaver weaving a scarf--very interesting skill to watch.

Home for a bit of a rest and then off to find the North Sea.  We are only about 30 minutes from the shore.

Fresh fish was perfect for dinner. 

Tom had a fish soup and I had Dover Sole--both delicious!

After dinner, we went in search of the water.  We were surprised how few people were out, considering its July at the beach.  It was getting later and the tide was out which might have had something to do with it.

I picked up some shells from the North Sea and we headed back to Bruges.

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