Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Boat Trip and a Swim in the Adriatic Sea

 We were up early to get ready for our 3 island boat trip.  So anxious, we were very early, we're ready to go.  Concerned though about what kind of all day excursion we could have for only 180 kuna (between 25 and 26 dollars) each which included lunch and drinks.  Were we surprised what a fabulous day it turned out to be.  We boarded one boat which took us out to a bigger boat that held 125 people.  On top for a perfect view and cool breezes.  Our boat companions are 2 families from  Norway.

We enjoyed visiting with them and the kids during the tour.  After about fifty minutes our first stop was the "Blue Lagoon" at the island of Drvenik Mali.  This was the clearest blue water, you could see all the way to the bottom.

Tom and I even took advantage of this swimming opportunity!  We didn't jump from the top of the boat, but we did slip in from the lower deck.  The water temp. was perfect on a hot day.  We could float easily due to the salt content of the water.  Almost everyone on the boat was in the water, Moms, Dads and all the kids--with their floaties!

We stayed at this point for about an hour.  Back on the boat and we're on our way to the next stop.  About 30 minutes later, we landed at the island of Solta and the port town of Maslinica.

Here, we had free time for about an hour and a half.  We decided to explore.

The day was so beautiful and the water so clear, many couldn't resist another dip.

This small island was so picturesque, an opportunity for a photo at every turn.

We could see sea urchins attached to the rocks right at our feet.

We boarded the boat again and headed to the next island,  Drvenik Veli.  There were beautiful boats everywhere we went.

The Adriatic is so incredibly blue!

As we approached the island they were waiting with lunch.

We had to make a decision when we made our reservation whether we wanted fish or meat (chicken) for lunch.  We both chose fish, and it was delicious!

Again, we had some free time after lunch to swim or explore the island.  We chose exploration.

 This is a very popular island, there are hundreds of people sunning, swimming and playing on this ideal beach.

We walked through a packed camping area.  Watch out for pirates here.

We boarded the boat for the final leg of our boat trip back to Trogir

and back to the apartment.

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