Sunday, July 17, 2016

Evening Dinner Cruise on the Vltava River And Heading to Kraków

We wanted to do one of the boat cruises but decided to wait until we could see the city light up at night.  Queued up at dock #3, we waited to board "The Bohemian" for an evening of dining and entertainment.  (We were very entertained by watching some of our fellow passengers.).

It was still light when we departed and we were offered an aperitif to begin and we found a spot on the upper deck for the best views.

I snapped some interesting sites along the banks, sorry I don't know what some were, they were just very interesting.

On this beautiful night the river is teeming with happy energetic people.

We enjoyed our buffet dinner and had live entertainment to compliment the cruise.

As it got darker I just snapped away at the photogenic city giving way to the night.

The restaurants and clubs along the banks are particularly bright and lively.

One of my favorites was the penguin parade.  Don't know what it was, but I just liked it!

Finally we saw the Prague Castle all lighted up in it's glory.  I must have taken 50 pictures, just to get the right one.  I think I captured it on several tries.

What do you think?
We packed up and left Prague this morning and headed for Kraków, Poland.  The gorgeous countryside always amazes us on the drive.  We love seeing the green fields of corn and the rolling wheat fields.
Today we encounterd a couple of hiccups on this trip.  All the highways here have been very good and easy to travel, but there has been a lot of construction. We were on a three lane that narrowed to one and then we came to a complete halt, for about 45 minutes. We never knew what the hold up was but lots of people were getting out of their cars to check it out, but no answers and then we began rolling again.
When we stopped for lunch a police car pulled up behind  us blocking us in.  They asked if we had a "sticker" that allowed us to drive on the toll roads in the Czech Republic.  No, we had no sticker.  After a 1000 Czech crowns (about $40) fine and the purchase of a 320 Kc (about $17) "sticker",  we're back in good shape and no longer illegal.
With the help of our trusty GPS, Ed, we found our Kraków apartment.  Tom has done such a good job of picking these apartments.  This one is in the center of town close to everything and it's so cute!

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