Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Beer and Lace--interesting combo

Belgians are Europe's beer connoisseurs.
De Halve Maam (The Half Moon) Brewery is located in the heart of Bruges and is the only local brewery still operating.

It's the home of Brugse  Zot ("Fool from Bruges") and Straffe Hendrik  ("Strong Henry") beers.

We took the tour and learned the history of Belgian beer.
Roland, our guide was informative and entertaining.

We saw the internal workings of the brewery and climbed many steps,

 even to the roof to see some great views of the city.

The  fifth and sixth generation of the Maes family is now in charge of operations here.  They have owned this brewery since Henri Maes founded it in 1856.

Great benefit of this tour, a beer!

On the way to our next stop we passed some great doors!

Now, for something a little more dainty.  Lace originated as a poor persons profession--because it begins with very cheap materials..  It was a way to be paid for one's painstaking labor.  At one time a fourth of all the women in Bruges made lace.  Bruges is the lace capital of the world.

At the "Lace Museum" we got to see women creating beautiful, intricate patterns of bobbin lace.

Lacemakers create their own patterns or trace tried-and-true designs.  Even a small piece can take days to complete--hence the high prices for these exquisite masterpieces.

It was truly fascinating to watch these skilled artisans at work.

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