Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Good-bye to Kraków and Waltzing to Vienna

Krakow was a delightful surprise.  It was beautiful, clean and fun!  We had such a great time our last night in Kraków.  We didn't even know the Tour of Pologne (Poland) bicycle race was finishing in the Market Square and we were in the middle of the finale.

We watched some riders come in and after the race we walked around the finish area.

We made the winner's circle!

As it got darker the buildings began to light up the Market Square.

We have really enjoyed our time here.
Up early this morning, to hit the road for Vienna.  I've talked about the rolling hills covered with corn, wheat, grapevines and now gorgeous sunflowers.  This makes the drive so pleasant with these fabulous views.


After we settle into our hotel, we're off to find the parking garage.  They're never right by the hotel or apartment, always a few blocks away.
After a bit of rest, we set out to explore the neighborhood and find dinner.
We passed a magnificent church.  Saint Francis of Assisi in the Mexikoplatz area.  It was built between 1898 and 1910.

Moving on, we walked over the Danube River.  The river cruise boats were lining the banks.

We had dinner at a Greek/Mexican restaurant on the river--I know weird combination.

The starter of fried mussels was so delicious we ate most of them before we remembered to take a picture.  The swordfish and giant prawns were yummy, too!

There were lots of people out enjoying the warm evening.

We walked across the pontoon bridge to the island in the river to check it out.

We caught the sunset over the Danube and the full moon also.

The  swans seem to be very happy here.

I think we got some postcard perfect photos.

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