Saturday, July 2, 2016

A Stroll Through Bruges

We only got a brief taste of Bruges yesterday afternoon, so we went back for another look.  I'm so glad Tom added this city to our itinerary, it's fabulous!

Not as much as Paris, but there are street musicians here, too.

We strolled around the Market Square, the center of the city and marveled at the architecture.

Even though it was noon, we really hadn't thought too much about lunch until it started to pour down rain.  We ducked into what we thought was a restaurant, turned out to be a bar, oh well.

We ordered a local beer,  Brugse Zot.

There was a fish market right across the way and the waitress told us we could bring food in from there.  I held down the table and the beer and Tom went in search of lunch.  He returned with a half kilo (1.1 pounds) of boiled shrimp and bread, perfect lunch!  It's said that the shrimp is caught in the North Sea and cooked on the boat, so you know it's very fresh.

I thought if we were in Belgium, we had to have a Belgium waffle, so we did.  Yum!

This is a town of beer and chocolate and we've sampled both.
We walked along the street of chocolate.

Then we saw the "Wall of Beer".

We returned to the apartment to put our feet up for a bit before heading back out.
In the 16th century, there were more than thirty windmills.  Today only four are left, they are along the canal that used to be a moat around the city.

We also passed the  Kruispoort/Cross Gate, an entrance into the city.

There are a lot of bicycle riders, many more than cars.

We are also amazed at how clean the city is, quite refreshing.

Even our alley, which is how we get in and out the backdoor of our apartment is spotless.

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