Monday, July 25, 2016

A Beautiful Day in Trogir

Tom fixed us a wonderful breakfast that we ate on the terrace over looking the Adriatic
Sea, doesn't get much better than that.

Our plan for the day was to visit Old Town.  Trogir is the oldest city in Croatia, dating back to the third century B.C.

We discussed hiring a helicopter to take us up to get an overall shot of the town, but in the end decided to use the picture from the brochure ( wise financial choice). The original village (Old Town) is the island in the lower left.  Our apartment overlooks the bay on the middle right
There is a "short cut" right out our apartment to "Old Town".

It's a picturesque walk, mostly downhill.  You know what that means,  uphill coming back!  Anyway, we're game and proceed with our journey.
There are several side streets and beautiful views on the way.

We finally make it to "Old Town" and it's well worth the walk!  It's incredible!

Of course, the first thing we see are stands with something to buy.  I'll take a hat, please.  The beige one with the bow is mine.

The bags are cute too, but we must move on.
First we saw the Cathedral of Saint Lawrence which dates back to the thirteenth century.

St. John's Square is the center point of this area, filled with people, restaurants and shops and the fourteenth century city hall with the loggia with the town clock.

Also in this same area we saw the Church of St. Nicholas, built in the XI century.

This is an amazing area--we were wowed!

As we were walking through the small passage ways of Old Town we were checking out the many restaurants, thinking about lunch time.

First, we found a T-shirt shop, and had to stop in.  We had T-shirts made for Tom and the grandsons.

By this time we had worked up an appetite and went back to a fish restaurant for lunch.

The lunch was so good, and we're ready to move on.At the far end of Old Town is the Kamerlengo Fortress, built in the thirteenth century.

There was a little boy "sitting on the dock of the bay".

Maybe he was dreaming that the  yacht next to him was his.

We  decided it was worth paying to go into the Fortress, and it was.

We had to climb lots of steep steps to get to the top and the views were spectacular!

Lots to see from this vantage point.

Sometimes the inner courtyard is set up for productions and other events.

A  little weary and facing the uphill climb back, we make our way in that direction.  What a great day in Old Town, Trogir.

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