Friday, July 5, 2013

Tex-mex at home with Friends

We have been looking forward to hosting our friends Donna and Soliel, so we invited them for a taco dinner at our apartment.  The early part of the day was spent cleaning, grocery shopping and prepping for dinner.  Soliel's mom is in town and she was able to join us too.  The ladies arrived about 7 and a lovely evening began.  We had salsa, guacamole  and chips and of course homemade margaritas!  Tom squeezed 18 limes for the drinks and they were yummy.  We set up the taco bar and everyone made their own to their liking.  Donna brought a beautiful raspberry dessert, but I had ready planned a pineapple cake thing.  We had such a fun evening visiting with the girls.  Soliel and her Mom, brought beautiful peonies and a scarf from Equador.  Tom and I fell into bed as we have a road trip tomorrow to Laval, more about that later.

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