Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Stopping off in Andorra

We're ready to make our way to Spain.  It's a two day trip so we decided to spend one night in Andorra, a tiny country on the border between France and Spain.  We set our clock for 4:30am to get an early start.  I woke up at 4:20 and got up, what else could I do?  We had a quick breakfast, packed the car and off we went.  Tom set the GPS for Andorra and we beat the morning traffic out of Paris.  Off to a good start.  I turned on the radio and it totally messed up the GPS.  Being GPS novices, we couldn't reset it.  What's more important French radio or knowing where you're going?  So I got to navigate with the maps.
The French countryside is breathtakingly beautiful.  The acres and acres of sunflowers were magnificent.  The wheat fields were in neat rows or freshly cut, as were the cornfields and grapevines.

There was so much rain this Spring, everything was lush and green.  It was exciting to see the Pyrenees Mountains off in the distance, still with a little Spring snow left on the tops.  Skiing is the main industry in Andorra and there are lots of ski resorts in this small country.

When we finally arrived in Andorra La Vella the town where our hotel is we were hopelessly lost. We thought it was a small village and we would drive right to the hotel, not the case.  It was time to figure out that GPS, so we did, and sure enough it worked.  We found the hotel, checked in, got a bite to eat and hit the bed for another early start tomorrow.

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