Thursday, July 4, 2013

Strolling the Neighborhood

Today is the Fourth of July and not one firecracker to be heard, just business as usual.  Guess that will all be different on Bastile Day (July 14).  It's Thursday and market day.  We strolled along through the stalls seeing the usual street fare.  We really enjoy the markets, but we'll be out of town this weekend, so we decided not to load up on things we can get fresher when we get back.
 We love our neighborhood.  It's quiet,  residential and offers everything we could ever need.  That's our apartment with the open window and our front door and mailbox.

There are several bistros, boulangeries (bakeries) and grocery stores.  The Coin (means corner-pronounced quan) Cusine is where they have the best rotisserie chicken and other prepared foods.  We get really good Chinese takeout at the Shanghai restaurant.

  Here's our street, one of our bus stops, and even our elevator.

 We had lunch at our favorite neighborhood bistro.  The chef, Riad prepared barbecued ribs and baked potatoes.  We thought that sounded perfect for a  4th of July lunch.

We love our neighborhood!

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