Thursday, July 18, 2013

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know I've talked about how wet and cold it was when we first got here in early May.  Well, now I'm going to talk about how hot it's gotten.  It's gotten HOT!  But like in early May, we won't let the weather keep us from doing anything we want to do.  Michele gave us some great suggestions of different sites to see.
We decided to have lunch at our favorite Texas barbecue place in Paris, the Blues Bar-B-Q, run by mother, son duo Diana and Mo.  We were happy to see them again and very happy to have another delicious chopped brisket sandwich!  Yum, a little piece of home.
We enjoyed our lunch, bid good-bye and set out for the Parc des Butte-Chaumont.  It's the fifth largest park in Paris, in the northeast part of town.

The park was filled with people.  There were lots of sunbathers, kids playing and people just enjoying the park.

In this park, there is a large man-made lake with an island called Belvedere.  There are two bridges that connect the island to the rest of the park.  One is a 63 meter long suspension bridge eight meters above the lake designed by Gustave Eiffel.  The other is a twelve meter long masonry bridge twenty-two meters above the lake called the "suicide" bridge. After a series of high profile suicides the bridge is now fenced with wire mesh.

There is an artificial waterfall that plunges into an underground grotto.

At the pinnacle of the park is a temple.  The Temple de la Sibylle was inspired by the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy.  We climbed all the way to the Temple to check out the view of the city.  Worth the trudge.

Like I said, it's hot today, so we bought a bottle of cold water and headed for the Metro and home.

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