Thursday, July 11, 2013

Back to Montmartre

As we look back on our two plus months in Paris and forward to the next couple of weeks, we realize our days here are numbered.  We still have several special days ahead of us, but we decided to retrace steps in some of our favorite places.

This afternoon we went back to Montmartre, such a special place. Sacre Coeur (the Basilica of the Sacred Heart) is a grand Roman-Byzantine church begun in 1876 but not consecrated until 1919.

There is always so much going on in this area.  The artists and art galleries, the street entertainers, the carousel and lots of souvenir shops--that I can't resist.

We came across the singing French woman who entertains crowds around Montmartre with an act of familiar French songs and animated toys.  We have seen her before.  She efficiently packs up her show in a little trailer she pulls behind a moped as she moves about Montmartre.

Something new we found this time, fabric stores!  Marche St-Pierre, just down from the base of the funiculaire, is the place to go for fabrics.  Lots of fabric stores for the next generation of fashion designers and for anyone feeling energetic and creative.  That used to be me and I still do love all the fabrics and notions.

Back to the Metro station Abbesses, one of two left in Paris with the original Art Nouveau, wrought iron and glass-canopied entrances designed by Hector Guimard in 1900.  We ride the Metro all the way back to our neighborhood, and then jump on the bus to save walking the rest of the way home.

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