Monday, July 8, 2013

A Trip to Laval

Olivier, brother of our friend Michele, invited us to his home in Laval for the weekend.  And what a wonderful weekend it was!  We met Michele at Gare Montparnasse to pick up a rent car for the drive to Laval.  Even though she doesn't drive, she was a good navigator.  The weather was beautiful and so was the countryside.  We arrived in Laval in about three hours at the home of Olivier, Claire, Camille and Salomé.

Olivier has worked hard to restore this late 19th century home and he's done a magnificent job.

He was grilling outside  when we arrived.

As soon as the weather is pleasant, everyone in France eats outside.  Claire had set a beautiful table and the courses started coming.  Nothing skimpy about French meals.  Olivier grilled sausages and beef shish kabobs.  There was wine and several cheeses and dessert was cherries picked fresh from the tree in their backyard!  What a marvelous meal they had prepared for us.

Salomé  was off  to the beach for a few days with friends and Camille (Cammie) was going to a concert.  Cammie generously gave us her room for our stay.  It is on the third or fourth floor if you count the basement.  We were so welcomed by this beautiful family and hope they will come to Dallas so that we might return the favor.

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