Monday, July 15, 2013

Bastille Day--Part 1

Bastille Day is the name given in English-speaking countries to the French National Day which is celebrated on July 14 each year.  It is formally called La Fete Nationale.  While the date is the same as that of the storming of the Bastille, July 14 was chosen to commemorate the 1790 Fete de la Federation.

Picnic at the Farm

Michele is taking very good care of us during our stay in Paris.  She has been so kind to invite us to events we would never get to do or see without her.  So, thank you, Michele!  She attends an annual Bastille Day picnic at the farm owned by her long time friends, Inge and Jacques.  We met Michele at Gare du Nord for the trip to La Ferme du Vieux Chateau (The Farm of the Old Castle).

Inga and Jacques bought this farm because of his love of horses and then turned it into a B&B.
They are retiring from the B&B part now and just live on the farm.  Jacques has several carriages he uses for various functions, including weddings and local events.

They have several bee hives on the property and get their own honey.

Everyone brings a picnic basket decorated according to the theme.   This year it was Cowboys and Indians.  There were about 50-60 people there including children.

The picnic baskets were so cleverly decorated, hoping to win a prize.

Even the people were decorated, dressed in Cowboy and Indian costumes.

We really enjoyed meeting all the people and getting to know some more of Michele's friends.  Several languages were spoken including French, Chinese, German, Vietnamese, and even a little English.  Michele speaks them all except Vietnamese, but she also speaks Spanish!  We met a darling girl named Jessica who had done her graduate studies at UCLA and was happy to practice her English with us.  As fancy as the baskets were, it was the fabulous contents that were the best.  Every kind of food you can imagine.  We stuffed ourselves with egg rolls, quiche, bison, rice salad, pasta salad, all kinds of cheeses and then desserts.

Oh, there was also a lot of wine and Jacques fixed us a signature Bastille drink--red for girls, blue for guys.  Once the baskets were judged and prizes awarded the entertainment began.  There was horseback riding, archery, bocce ball and napping.  Such a very nice afternoon.

We got a ride back to Paris to get ready for our next event.  Quite a busy day!

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