Sunday, June 30, 2013

Another Sunday Another Park

The weather is perfect today.  73 degrees and sunshine, so we're off  to another park.  Everyone seemed to have the same idea.  The beautiful day just draws the people, for good reason.

Today we found  Jardin des Plantes.  It functions both as a public park and a serious botanical insitute. It's full of gardens that are marked for research.

There is a rosé garden (though it can't compete with the Bagatelle rose garden), open areas for picnicking and general family fun.

There is a Menagerie that is one of the worlds oldest zoos, thus the carousel with all the animals.

The park is home to the Natural History Museum including the Grande Galerie de l'Evolution which we toured earlier and talked about in a previous blog.

We saw people dressed in period costumes.  We never figured out what they were doing, but they looked good doing it.

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