Friday, June 21, 2013

Rainy day

The time had come, Tom could put it off no longer.  Time for a foreign haircut.  This haircut place is across from the bus stop, so we have seen it many times.  The sign in the window says, Hommes (men) 10€, worth a try, besides it will always grow out.  Result:  good job!

We went to check out another grocery store in our neighborhood.  Rather unimpressed we left the store to a downpour of rain.  We had our umbrellas, but it was coming down so hard, we were soaked by the time we got back to our apartment.  Time for a hot bowl of soup.

After the rain subsided, we changed clothes and took off again.  We were on the hunt for some birthday cards.  We found a cute little card shop with a musical proprietor.  He was playing his guitar as we went to pay.  He told us tomorrow (June 21--first day of summer) in music day in Paris.  There will be music in the streets--but that's really nothing new, there's always music in Paris.

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