Friday, June 28, 2013

les journees de la ceramique (Ceramics Show)

We've been getting these postcards in our mailbox for several weeks announcing the upcoming ceramics show.  Madam Fanny Acquart, our apartment neighbor is a contributor.  We thought it would be fun to go see what it was all about.

There were over 100 artists exhibiting.  Traditional pieces were plentiful, but it was the contemporary that really stood out.  I've been taking clay/ceramic classes at the Craft Guild in Dallas.  I don't think I'll ever get to the level of these artists, but I bought some new tools at the show to help me on my way.
We stopped by the Ceramics Cafe.  Each artist supplied a cup and for purchasing one you got a free coffee/espresso in your new cup.

                   We found Madam Acquart's booth, visited a few minutes and took a picture.

                             The fish and birds really caught my eye, and I had to have a fish.

                                   The chairs were very unusual and delightful, such imagination.

1 comment:

  1. Very neat. Those chairs are freaking me out though! :)
