Saturday, June 8, 2013

Friday Night Art Show at the Park

Our neighbor, Donna whom we met a week or so after getting here, is an artist.  She's from Long Island, NY, and has lived here permanently for 2 years, but has been coming here for years since she was 18.  She has a new puppy, Queenie, that she frequently walks in the neighborhood.  She invited us to come to a show of local artists in the park on Friday.  We walked over to the park, not knowing what to expect.  If the weather is nice, the Parisians are out in mass and the evening was perfect.  Artists were set up all around a covered area in the park.  There was food, drink and even live music--such a fun time!  Donna's watercolors and pin and inks were  beautiful.  She had Paris street scenes in watercolor and lion-heads in pin and ink, reproduced from door knockers around Paris.  Just fabulous work.  She offered us a glass of wine.  A friend of hers, Solay came to offer company and support.  We had a very nice evening and strolled home through parts of the neighborhood we hadn't seen before.

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