Friday, June 21, 2013

Musee de Cluny

We got a rather late start today.  We kept waiting for the rain to come, finally gave up and set out to see the Musee de Cluny.  All the guide books say it's a must see.  The Cluny was originally the Mansion of a rich 15th-century abbot, built on top of and next to the ruins of a Roman bath.

The collection of midieval arts and crafts is suburb.  It has some of the world's finest 15th-century tapestries, including "The Lady and the Unicorn".

 The museum is divided into 23 rooms, each with its own unique artifacts such as 12th and 13th century  stained glass, crosses, chalices, manuscripts, carvings, vestments, leatherwork, jewelry and coins.  There is a 13th-century Adam and heads of statues from Notre-Dame de Paris.  In the midieval chapel hang tapestries depicting scenes of the life of St. Stephen.

Downstairs are the ruins of the Romans baths from around AD 200.  The best-preserved section is the frigidarium (where one bathed in cold water).

Back home for Chinese take-out for dinner and a meringue for dessert.

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