Saturday, June 8, 2013

A New View

We were glad to be back to our Paris home.  Before we left for our excursion, we ran into our French chef friend, Riad.  He was so excited about the birth of his second son.  He has been so nice to us during our stay here, we wanted to get him a baby gift for little, Liam.  We took the gift over to the restaurant.  He was so pleased, he treated us to a champagne and pâté.  We made a reservation for a Saturday night dinner.  We have invited Brian and Taylor, our D-Day tour friends to join us.

Friday afternoon we made our way to Tour Montparnasse (Montparnasse Tower).  It's a 210 meter (689 ft.) office skyscraper near our apartment.  On the 59th floor rooftop observation deck there is a 360 degree panoramic view of the entire city of Paris.  The weather was perfect, 81 degrees and sunshine, just a little windy at the top.  We had fun picking out all the points of interest from the top including the Montparnasse cemetery, which I talked about in an earlier blog,  the gold dome of Napoleon's tomb, and of course the Eiffel Tower,  plus much much more.

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