Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Anita Sy

The day started out with rain, 80% chance and we had no plans for the morning, so we were just here.  Tom did run down to the post office during a slack period to mail postcards to the grandchildren.  Did I mention we have 4 and a new one on the way!  Brian & Jen are expecting a boy in Dec.!  So exciting.

Lots of rain during the day, with thunder, lightning and an occasional downpour.  It finally began to subside, good thing because we did have evening plans.  A friend of Michele's, Nadine invited us to a supper club to see her friend, Anita Sy sing.  The club, Aux Sportifs Reunis, is a throw back to the 50's.  It was a small intimate setting, just right for her kind of music.  She has a great voice, a great band and even sang several songs in English.  Her band consists of a saxophone player, a guitar player, and a bass player.  She sang about an hour or so and then they brought out the food. Several pâtés, pickles, ham, raw fish and breads.  Then the main course, steak tartar with a raw egg, (no thanks), pork (ham), or duck.  Tom and I both chose the duck.  We could have ice cream or fruit salad for dessert.  We both chose ice cream.  Then Anita treated us to another set.  It was such a nice evening.  We walked back home without needing the umbrellas we brought.

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