Monday, July 1, 2013

Paris Haute Couture

Michele gave us a couple of recommendations of things to see this week.  Today we choose the Paris Haute Couture exhibit because it's ending soon and it was free.

The exposition was at the Hotel de Ville (it's not a hotel, but the mayor's office and the seat of city government for Paris).

Everyone knows Paris is one of the major fashion centers of the world.  The display started with designer's sketches, then the muslin mock-up, to the finished product--the gown.  We saw so many beautiful gowns by the known names Dior, Chanel, Cardin, Lagerfeld and some from the 1800's and the 20's and 30's I wasn't as familiar with--Worth, Lavin, Poiret, all equally beautiful.  We took a couple of pictures before we were told--"Madame, Madame, no photos".

Afterwards we walked over to BHV, a huge department store across from the Hotel de Ville.  The sales are going on and the stores are crowded and its not even the weekend.  As we came out of the store there was quite a serious drama going on.  There was construction on the building and it appeared that one of the workers had fallen from a higher level to a scaffold above the street.  There were lots of emergency vehicles, police and many watchers.  Soon they took a stretcher up several stories on the outside of the building on the scaffolding to bring the injured man down.  After safely retrieving the worker, he gave the crowd the thumbs up sign as he was loaded into the ambulance.  Hopefully all will be well with him.

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