Thursday, July 18, 2013

A few things we're going to miss about Paris

In Our Neighborhood

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday we have a local street market in our neighborhood.  I know I've talked about it several times, but we just really enjoy what they have each time.  There are the usuals, meats, fish, cheeses, clothing (for the whole family), shoes, handbags, kitchen ware and sometimes there are new things too.  The stalls, one after another extend for at least a half mile on each side of the street.  We are always entrigued by the super fresh fruits and vegetables.

Tom bought us some strawberries today.  As you can see, they are picture perfect.

The flower markets are permanent as are the patisseries (pastry shops).

Tom and I were amazed to watch the clean-up process today. The vendors close their stalls at 1pm.  They must be packed up and trucks moved by 2pm. The vendors neatly pile up their discards and it's picked up by the first truck.

Next comes the power sprayer and then the broom sweepers, followed by the street sweeper, it's truly a fine oiled machine.

Such precision clean-up.  You would never know the streets were filled with vendors and crowds of shoppers just a couple of hours before.
In addition to food items we bought some other things.

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