Sunday, July 14, 2013

Evening with Michele & Stephane

We are still recovering from our exciting day at Giverny yesterday.  We slept late, had a leisurely breakfast and slowly began our day.  Not a lot on tap for today except that we're meeting Michele & Stephane for dinner.  We also made a trip to the grocery store in anticipation of our big day tomorrow, Bastille Day.
Stephane invited us to his apartment for an  aperitif before dinner.  We got off the bus near his apartment at Place d'Italia which was the site of Barriere d'Italia built to enforce tax collections on goods entering Paris between 1784 and 1791.  It is now a traffic circle with a beautiful small garden park.  We stopped long enough to take a couple of pictures.

He has a very nice apartment on the 5th (no elevator) floor.  We had a good time visiting before dinner.  He brought us a huge bottle of Tequila from his trip to Mexico--such a great guy!

We walked down the street to one of his favorite pizza places for dinner.  We reminisced with good friends about good old days and good new days yet to come.

Back to the Metro and home.

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