Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Moving on to Pompeii and an Evening at Serafina

Saturday,  August 20th
Tom and I had been to  Pompeii several  years ago when we were here before, but Kay and Susan had never been.  We were told to arrive early and this time we could take our car because there would be a convenient place to park.  Heading toward Pompeii, through Naples, Vesuvius  beckoned us.

Having parked the car and gotten some water, we headed for the ticket line and the audio guide.

All set, we started for the entrance to the ruins.

Pompeii is truly fascinating.  It was a thriving port city and respected trader with the world.  On August 24, 79 a.d. everything changed for the residents of this city.  Vesuvius erupted and began to bury the city under 30 feet of volcanic ash.  Excavations began in 1748.  As we walked through the streets, it was hard to imagine the horror of the moment for these people.

It was amazing to see how well so much was uncovered in remarkable condition.

We saw where many pieces of pottery and other items of everyday living were recovered and preserved.  We saw the dog that was preserved by the archaeologists who were able to create molds and make plaster replicas of once living people and animals.


There were even some well preserved homes.

One of the most popular areas was the Brothel with the small rooms and the frescoes  painted on the walls.

It is an amazing site and we're glad we went to see it even though it was really hot that day, but probably not as hot as August 24, 79 a.d.
We needed to get back to the apartment,  because we had a special treat for Kay and Susan.  We had reservations for dinner at Serafina.

If you've followed the blog, you know we went there once before.  We thought it was so special, we wanted to take our friends there, too.  They met Rosa and Dominic and were given the tour by him.

Mama was busy in the kitchen and Rosa was cooking at the grill.

They were amazed by the gardens and all the fresh fruit and produce they provided.

The dinner was again no less than spectacular and enjoyed by all.

It's so full of family pride and an evening not to be missed if you ever happen to be in this area.

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