Monday, August 1, 2016

From Trogir to Bari to Furore

We left Trogir early yesterday morning, really early, 5:30am and made our way out of quiet, sleppy Trogir on our way to the ferry at Dubrovnik.  It was a beautiful morning and the drive was very
pleasant until we hit a back up in a small town.  Traffic was stopped for about 20 minutes, through that hold up, we proceeded to the Croatian/Bosnia and Herzegovina border.  That's where the real hold up  occured.  The cars, trucks and buses were backed up forever.  Once up to the actual crossing, they just looked at the outside of our passport and waved us through.  Unfortunately, the highway only goes through Bosnia and Herzegovina for a few kilometers and then back into Croatia where we  had to go through the border check all over again.  Same thing--long line and waved us through.  The delays put us behind on our schedule to make our 10:00 time, but we hastend on.
We crossed the most magnificent bridge.

Like I said, the drive was beautiful and we arrived in Dubrovnik by 10:15 and got in the line for the  ferry.

Finally aboard the ferry and on our way to Bari, Italy, we could relax and enjoy the 7 1/2 hour ride.

We settled into our reclining chairs and both promptly fell asleep.  We dozed, we read, we played iPad games, we walked around the ship.
Around 7:15pm we arrived in Bari.

We reclaimed our car, set the GPS for the hotel and took a ride through downtown Bari.  Looked like a  very nice town with crowds of people.  The Hi Hotel in view, we made it.  Exhausted , we fell into bed for a good nights sleep.  Breakfast was included with the room and it was the best hotel breakfast I've seen.  Lots to choose from.
Full and refreshed, we set the GPS for Furore, Italy.  It was about a 3 hour trip.  The toll highways were great.  The oleander was in glorious bloom, the grape vines were plentiful and the olive groves went on for miles.

We could see the hill top villages from far away.

The countryside made the trip seem short until we got to the small towns with winding, narrow roads!  The Italian drivers are something else!
We met our landlord and he escorted us up to our hillside apartment and home for the next month.

The views are postcard perfect!  So Italy.

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