Saturday, August 13, 2016

Another Shot at Praiano

The other day, we got rained out at Praiano, so we thought we would give it another shot.  Back on the little local Furore bus at 10:50am and we were on our way.  On this route you swing through Amalfi first and on this Saturday morning,  Almalfi was packed!  So glad this is not our agenda for today.  We are heading for Praiano.  Thank goodness, it's a perfect day, not a cloud in sight.
The bus stopped at the top of the hill leading to the beach, Marina di Praia.  The view is not to be missed!  Bright blue, clear water with bright umbrellas and bright clad swimmers everywhere.

We walked down the long incline to the beach area and just took it all in.  Just amazing!  The views were spectacular from every angle.

The water was so clear, you could see to the bottom.

We walked all the way around the tip of the bay as far as we could go and found "Africana--A Famous  Club".

Our friend, Raphael, from "Relish", bartended there for several years.  It's a unique club on the side of the cliff in a cave.  Accessible by the long walk or by boat.
It has a reputation as a great night spot.  It does not open until 9pm, so we weren't able to peak inside.

Maybe we'll have to try that another time.
We needed lunch and "Il Pirata" (The Pirate) was highly recommended.

We got a great table overlooking the bay and a delicious lunch to go with it!

Later we found a cool place to sit and watch the boats and the people.

When it was almost time to meet the bus to go home we made our way back up the steep incline to the road.

There was a nice family from Naples we met on the bus coming over and we visited with them while waiting for the return bus.  Francesca, the 17 year old daughter wants to visit the US.  She wants to study physics and mathematics at the University when she finishes high school.  We found her delightful and her English was very good.  The bus driver came for us all at 17:00 (5pm) and took us back to where he picked us up this morning, at the bottom of our stairs.  Wonderful trip today and not a cloud in sight!.

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