Tuesday, August 23, 2016

And Now Capri

Friday, August 19th
Today a quick breakfast because we have to catch an early bus for Capri.  Back to the parking place at the cemetery to catch the bus to Amalfi and the ferry that will take us to Capri.  We rode the Furore bus to Amalfi.  It's a small local bus that is convenient to the apartment and usually not too crowded.  Wisely, Tom had gotten the Capri tickets yesterday, so all we had to do upon arrival was get in line.

Our ferry docked, unloaded and reloaded and we were off to Capri.

It's about an hour and twenty minute ride passed some of the most awesome scenery in the world.

The small villages nestled on the hillside are incredible and with the azure blue water in the foreground, every view is postcard perfect.

We arrived at the Grand Marina to crowds of tourists, like ourselves.

There was a lot to pack into this day and we knew our time would be limited.  After a quick look around at all the Capri things to buy,

Tom went in search of Funicular tickets to take us up to Capri Town.

A quick look there

and then a bus ride on up to Anacapri.  As we waited in line we got a picture of a bridal party also waiting on a bus.

From there we took the chairlift up Monte Solaro to the highest point on the island.

On top there is a 360 degree view of this part of the world.

The famous Faraglioni Rocks stand majestically in the water.

The boats are moored in the cove, adding to the panorama of the area.

It is truly a magical trip to see what lies before you here.

But all good things..... We had to catch the chair lift back down, eat lunch, shop, find a taxi and catch the ferry back, lots to do and so little time.
First order, lunch.  Pizza seemed like the right idea.

A quick look at some fish pottery, some very large lemons and time to find a taxi.

We hustled back to the Grand Marina for our return trip.  Another hour/twenty and we were back. Next, we waited for the Furore bus to take us back to the car.
When we got back to the apartment it was time to party!   Our friend, Raphael was having the Grand Opening for his bar/restaurant, "Relish".

There was  live music, good food and drink.  His relatives,
friends and all the people staying in the area (including us) were excited about this event.
The four of us went down, listened to the music, sampled the shrimp, fried calamari and local donut, and washed it all down with a wine spritzer.

It was a great evening to kick off his new venture.

Good luck to Raphael, his sisters Louisa and Evelina and their family!

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