Sunday, August 28, 2016

Amalfi, Ravello and Serafina All in One Day

This morning, we are off to Amalfi on the Furore bus.  It's still early so the traffic and people are light which makes it easier to get into town.  Joy and I are excited about doing a little shopping, but we are so early that many of the shops were not open yet.  Of course, we check out the ones that are open so as not to lose any time.
Tom and Rick are off to buy tickets for the bus to Ravello.
We wanted to see inside the cathedral but it wasn't open either.

We had fun doing a little shopping, looking and checking a few things out.

We boarded the bus to Ravello for the 30 minute ride up the mountain.  Such spectacular sights below as we wind our way up the steep incline.
Joy and I think a little gelato is in order to start our Ravello adventure.
There are two charming villas in Revello.  Tom toured one the last time we were here, but today we are all going.
The first one we see is the Villa Rufolo.

Tom told much about this one in a previous blog.
We are all enchanted by the beauty of this magnificent villa.

The stage is in place for the music festival.  It is rebuilt each season at this time for the Ravello Festival and is cantilevered out over the cliff creating a stunning panorama.

The gardens are beautiful with the flowers in full bloom.

Maintenance and horticultural expertise is kept alive thanks to the desecendants of the original gardeners.
As enchanting as this villa is, our stomachs are letting us know it's lunch time.  We found a nice place in the piazza for a light lunch to fortify us for the rest of the afternoon.

I did a little pottery shopping on the way to Villa Cimbrone.  This one was
at the far end of Ravello with lots of steps and walkways to get there.

It was well worth the walk, because it was just fabulous!
We entered through the Cloister

and on to the Walk of Immensity,

past the statue of Ceres, goddess of the Harvests

to the Terrace of Infinity, sometime referred to as "the doorway of the sun".  Some say, this is the most spectacular view in all of Italy!


We stopped for a cool drink and sat for a few minutes in the shade.
We ended our trip by way of the rose garden and back through the Cloister on our way to catch the bus back to Amalfi.

We were hoping to catch the 3:05 bus but apparently it was a no-show.  So we wait on the 3:55, well... This one appears to be a no-show as well, but we can't wait due to dinner reservations, so we decide to take a taxi.  Just as we all climb into the taxi, here comes the bus!! Of course!  Oh well, we made it back in good time to catch the bus back to Furore.  There is some confusion and over crowding on the bus, so the driver tells us to get off and another bus will take us back.  All settled on the second bus and Tom tells me he left my package on the first bus!  We retreve the package, all is well and on we go.
Time for our last dinner at Serafina.

Rick and Joy get the tour and explanation of their farm operation.

We sit and the courses begin.

Again an unsurpassed dinner from Rosa and her family.  This has been a real favorite of ours
here in Furore.  It's always such an inspiration to see the pride they take in providing the magnificent meal from their own land and hard work.

We are privileged to be here with them and to share it with Rick and Joy.

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