Tuesday, August 23, 2016

And So It Begins

Wednesday, August 17th
On Tuesday, our friends, Kay and Susan arrived.  We let them rest over night after their long flight from the U.S.,  so we could hit the ground running on Wednesday.
Tom prepared a wonderful breakfast for us that we enjoyed on the terrace looking out over the clear blue water of the Mediterranean Sea (really the Tyrrhenian Sea just below us).

We thought they might like to see the Italian Pottery Shops.  I love all the beautiful Italian pottery, as I've said before and thought they would as well.  There are signs saying, "no photos", so the pics are limited.

There's a guy selling giant lemons nearby, that we can't resist.  They are super fresh and make the best lemonade.

We had a scenic lunch at La Conca Azzurra.

Next, we traveled back over to the Marina di Praia, that Tom and I checked out earlier.  It was overcast and threatening rain so the sunbathers were not as thick.

On our walk around the marina, we ran into a San Antoino Spurs fan from Milan.  We tried to convince him to become a Mavericks fan, but no luck.

Back to the apartment for a light dinner on the terrace.
There is a beautiful walk just below the apartment, called "La Passeggiata Dell' Amore" ( The Walk of Love).

It's a long, treacherous , narrow foot path which stretches over and around a thousand foot deep ravine all the way to Praiano.  We love each other,  but not enough to risk our lives for a walk.  However, the first hundred meters is paved and easy.  The reward at the end of the paved part is a view of Praiano lighting up the night.

There's  more tomorrow.

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