Friday, August 5, 2016

Dinner at Serafina

Our landlord told us about a great local restaurant, Serafina, he said it was a must try.  So we did.  Back on the winding road we found it in about 15 minutes.  It's billed as Serafina-Agriturismo, because they grow everything right there on their own land and it's all organic.  The family takes great pride in its production from farm to table.
Rosa, greeted us and gave us a tour of the growing areas, from hillside to kitchen.

They grow the grapes for their wines, both red and white, the vegetables--zucchini, pumpkins, eggplant,

and tomatoes--oh, those tomatoes!  They are picked and hung from the ceiling until they are bursting with flavor and used all winter.  Rosa told us this ceiling will be completely covered with hanging tomatoes before the growing season is finished.

They also have tomatoes for salads and sauce.

They raise their own animals for meat and make their own cheeses.

The tables were set and ready for the guests.

The courses started and kept coming!  Burschetta, fried zucchini, grilled pumpkin for starters.

The pasta course was ravioli with ricotta and fresh tomato sauce-delicious!

Rosa grilled chicken breasts and cheese on lemon leaves for the main course.

Her sister, Eleanor and Eleanor's boyfriend Franco were helping her.  Mama, Giuseppina was working in the kitchen and papa, Domenico was greeting and visiting with the guests.  A real family production.  The next course was fresh fruit--melon, figs and plums.  Next came lemon ice cream and finally a choice of several types of homemade limoncello!

It was the most delightful and delicious dinner and evening we have had.

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