Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day, but not in France.  Michele invited us to her apartment for a traditional French Sunday lunch.  First, we shopped our local street market looking for something to take to Michele.  We chose a beautiful begonia plant and a bottle of wine.  One bus and two trains later and we're there.  Her apartment, which she owns is small, but perfect for her.  Her son, Stephane joined us for lunch.  What a treat!  She prepared a magnificent four course meal, even flambéing the sauce!  We had a lovely time.  Stephane had to leave to join his musical group, he plays saxophone.  Michele walked us to the Metro.  We talked all the way back about what a wonderful meal and time we had.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Michelle and Stephane from Brian's wedding. I think Tom and I calculated that they were the guests that traveled the farthest to attend the wedding. It is so cool that you have friends from all over.
