Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back on the trail of the world's largest flea market

I am so determined to find the world's largest flea market.  Les Puces de Saint-Ouen, known to everyone as Les Puces (The Fleas).  It's Saturday morning and we're on our way to the Metro, having checked out the proper location this time.  The Internet said not to be fooled by the swap meet you come to first.  Apparently lots of people think that's the flea market and are very disappointed.  At the swap meet there are tons of tennis shoes,  purses, sunglasses, "Rolex" watches, jeans and anything else you can think of.
We finally found the real Paris flea market.  There were lots and lots of little antique shops, lots of furniture, lots of art of every kind.  It was more upscale than the first flea market we went to, but also more expensive.  You could bargain though.  It's fun to look, you just wonder where all that stuff comes from!  It was huge!  It seemed to go on forever.  We didn't see even half of it.  As far as purchases, I bought 3 little silver utensils and a birthday present.
Through all of this, I think our favorite thing today was lunch.  There was a guy making crepes on the street at the flea market.  We walked up and watched him prepare one and we were hooked.  We had him make an egg, ham and cheese one for us, plenty for two to share.  Next, we had him make a Nutella one for our dessert.  What a fun, yum lunch, and not many euros.
Back to the Metro to out run the rain.  Of course, we had to stop by the bakery for croissants and a baguette.  Then home for a glass of wine and think about dinner.

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