Sunday, May 19, 2013

If it's Sunday in Paris, it must be street market time

It's Sunday morning and we're trying to decide what we need from the street market.  We are always so drawn in by all the beautiful produce.  We were comparing it to the Dallas Farmers Market, thought it was better just because of the atmosphere and after all it is Paris.  We bought fruit and veggies.  Tom couldn't resist a sausage, he ate it on the street.  He said next time he'll put one on a baguette and make a Parisian hot dog!

Our neighbor, Donna told us about a street sale in the area.  She said it's called a "clean out the attic" sale.  Sounded  intriguing, so how could we resist?  I don't know how we get so turned around.  We didn't find the sale, but we found another farmers market.  We strolled through. It was just as beautiful as the one in our neighborhood, but not as big.  Luckily for us, we ran into Donna, and she steered us in the right direction for the "attic sale".  It turned out to be a big garage sale!  It was like a hundred  family garage sale.  But I did score a treasure, a little glass bottle with a silver top--2€!  We hurried home to beat the rain.  And as I'm writing this, it's pouring.

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