Friday, August 5, 2022


When I was in the fourth grade, I wrote a report on the fjords in Norway. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I might get to see the fjords. Well, Tom has made this possible. We hopped on bus 54 and made our way to the train station to find the train to Bergen.
Having found the time and track, we were on our way!
As we left the outskirts of Oslo, we passed by the town of Drammen
and followed along the beautiful Lagen river.
Traveling first through rich farm land with various crop patterns, including miles and miles of wheat.
As we got into the mountains we encoutered logging--remember, the Beatles told us about "Norwegian Wood"?
The countryside is spectacular from every angle. Norway seems to be the land of waterfalls. There are long falls, short falls, wide falls and narrow falls.
As the train climbed above the tree line we saw more and more snow and several glaciers.
After four hours the train stopped at the Myrdal station so we could change to the Flam Railway which took us down the steep incline to the valley floor and the small town of Flam and the fiord.
As we decended down the mountain side we came upon a waterfall so spectacular they stopped the train so everyone could get a closer look. It was so powerfull we couldn't help but get wet from the massive spray. Finally we reached the bottom and prepared to board our boat for our trip through the fjord.

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