Friday, August 26, 2022


We struck out to see some of the icons of Paris. The first stop, since it's close to our apartment, is the Arc de Triomphe. Today the French flag is flying there.
Within steps of the Arc is the walk of fashion, Avenue des Champs Elysees.
You might recognize some of these very fashion forward stores.
The line to get into the store, seemed to be the longest at Louis Vuitton.
Moving on, Dior suggests the color of the season is white.
Tom and I stopped for a nice lunch,
but the stores just go on and on.
Not to be missed is the world icon, McDonald's! The crowds proved it's still a favorite even on the Champs Elysees!
A lesser icon, but one we like is the funiculaire--it will save over 200 steps up to the truly iconic Montmartre and the Basilica of Sacre-Coeur.
It's definitely a tourist favorite and ours, too! There is a panoramic view of the city from the steps of the Basilica.
The artist square is close by and the street preformers add something to the atmosphere.
I'm always a sucker for the souveiner shops.
The Metro (subway) covers the entire city and certainly is the best way to get from one location to another.
Of course, one of the biggest icons in Paris, and one of the saddest, due to the fire, is Notre Dame. It's still a very grand structure and one day it will be returned to it's original grandeur again.
The Hotel de Ville is a magnificent building. It is not a hotel. It is the Paris city hall and today it's promoting the Olympic Games to be held here in 2024.
I must mention the Siene River
and the barges
and the book sellers that find their home there. There are so many more, but these are a few we have seen recently.
Oh, I did want to add the "I love you wall." It's a newer icon that has "I love you" in 250 languages and I can't forget all the "love locks".
Love is getting locked on everywhere in Paris!

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