Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Saturday morning we were off in the van to Sorrento for the day. Sorrento is a beautiful town up the coast from us on the Bay of Naples. From Sorrento you can look out across the bay to see Naples and Mount Vesuvius. We drove to the edge of the city center and parked the van in an underground parking garage and walked into what we would call the town square (it really wasn't square though).
As we entered the center of town, in the middle of the street was a large statue of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of Sorrento. It was a day of serious shopping,
people watching for the guys while the ladies shopped,
and of course eating great Italian food.
Our waiter, Nello, was a lot of fun and decided when he took our group picture to include himself and his assistant.
Sorrento sits high on a cliff above the marina where the cruise ships, boats and ferries dock. In the center of town there is a LONG STEEP staircase which leads you down to the road to the marina if you choose to walk there.
Sorrento is a beautiful and romantic town to visit. We had a wonderful day exploring what it had to offer.
Sunday morning six of us, (Angelo and Marissol opted to stay and have a day of rest), caught the bus to Amalfi to take a ferry to the Isle of Capri. We have been there several times but wouldn't miss another oportunity to visit the place where Emperors and Caesars vacationed going back thousands of years. On the ferry and settled in for the forty minute jet boat ride to paradise.
We docked at the pier on Capri and disembarked with the rest of the passengers.
From the marina, the funiculare took us up the side of the mountain to the town of Capri. The shops in Capri and in Anacapri, the other town on the island, are the top names in fashion.
From Capri we took a taxi up the mountain to Anacapri for more shopping and another tasty Italian lunch.
To get to the top of Monte Solaro we took a chairlift for the best views in Italy.
Once there we took pictures from all directions. The view of the famous Faraglioni Rocks of Capri can't be beat.
We took the chairlift back down to Anacapri and got a taxi to take us on down to the marina where we barely caught our ferry. Before the ferry goes on to Amalfi it stops in Positano. Since our house is partway between the two towns we opted to get off in Positano and catch the bus going to Amalfi.
Four Americans waiting on the bus to Amalfi. We got off at our stop and walked the short distance to our house. It was a most enjoyable day on an island that has been attracting people for thousands of years.

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