Friday, August 19, 2022


Tom has turned the reigns over to Angelo, who has planned the next portion of our adventure. We cleaned up, loaded up and took off in search of Umbria. Angelo wanted us to see the monastery at Monte Cassino. It's a magnificent structure with lots of history--like everything else in Italy. The abby was founded in 529 and because of it's placement high above the route to Rome it has been the site of many battles down through the centuries. The last battle was a massive one during World War II. The Germans held it and the Allies had to have it for their push to Rome. Starting on January 17, 1944 the Allies assaulted the mountain time and time again until they finally took the monastery on May 18. The allies suffered 55,000 casulties in the Battle of Monte Cassino. The monastery was totally destroyed and what we saw was an architectually accurate reproduction of what was there before. The Abby is a massive complex.
We came upon a flock of beautiful white doves as we entered one of the courtyards.
The panoramic views from all directions is what makes the abby a strategic location.
Clearly, we were anxious to see our new place in Umbria. Like the first place this one did not dissappoint. Unlike the sea views in Amalfi, here we have land views, lots of beautiful land views. The hills and valleys are covered with vineyards, olive groves and hay fields. We knew we were in for something "very Italian" as we drove up the long cypress lined driveway to the house.
It sits atop a hill looking across the valley towards the town of Orvieto.
The house is well decorated with a beautiful country kitchen.
There are several patios for relaxing in the evening and for eating outdoors.
There is also a swimming pool for these hot August afternoons.
After selecting our respective bedrooms and unpacking our bags we prepared a light supper, relaxed on the patio and settled in for a good night's rest in Umbria.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that looks like quite a place! Have fun in Umbria!
