Thursday, July 28, 2016

We Are Not Beach People

Like I said in the title, we are not really beach people.   We don't slather up with oil and lie in the sun "cooking" for hours.  It's just not our thing.  However......  The water here is so blue, so clear, so inviting we can't resist.  We suit up, slather up with sunscreen 50 and walk down to the beach.   There are public areas, camping areas and private areas.

Some even had a little shade.  We found a suitable spot for towels and gear.  Tom's the first one in and declares it "perfect".   I have to ease in more slowly, but I found it pretty perfect too.

All this activity works up an appetite.  There are lots of beach food places to choose from.  We settle into one and fried calamari and a green salad with a beer make a great lunch.

Over lunch, we discuss how we can enhance our next beach experience.
Blow up floats seem in order.  There are lots of those places to choose from as well. I picked a chair float and Tom got a mattress style.

Now we're ready.  Sunscreen reapplied, floats inflated, we're back to the beach.
This is a great area for families.

There is so much for kids to do. On the inflatable slide the kids come down into a pool of water at the bottom.

I called this green and yellow thing "the inflatable city", because there are so many activities  to do on it.

I guess we're--temporary--beach people.

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