Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Day Trip to Brussels

Yesterday we bought train tickets for our trip to Brussels.  Tom was shocked at how inexpensive they were--€6 each for a round trip.  We hopped on a bus right outside our apartment this morning (almost as much as the train tickets) to take us to the train station on the other side of town.

It was about an hour trip through beautiful lush green fields of corn, potatoes and cows.
With the help of Rick Steves guide book, we went right through the station passed the giant Smurf statue,

passed a small street market (this one had fur pelts!) into the Grand Place (Market Square).

Again, brilliant Belgium architecture, housing the Brussels City Hall,

the Maison du Roi (Museum of the City of Brussels)

and opulent guildhalls.

It would appear that many events take place here as a reviewing stand and stadium seating was set up for something.  We did see giant float figures that were used or were going to be used.

We walked all around the area checking out the thousands of statues on the buildings, the beautiful lace shops and the beer and chocolate shops.

Rick Steves also recommended the Mer du Nord, a seafood place for lunch.

You order at the outside counter, they call your name, you pick up your food and take it to the stand-up tables across the street.  We had fish soup and fried shrimp along with a local beer.  Very delicious!

Next we were in search of a treat.  We thought we might have a Belgium waffle, but opted for ice cream instead.

Another noted statue, that's supposed to be a must see is the "Manneken Pis".  This is the statue of a little boy--you can figure out the rest from the name.  There are several stories of how he originated and people even dress him up from time to time.  There sure were a lot of people crowded around him taking pictures!

We are sad to say goodbye to Bruges.  It has been a wonderful experience--the town, our beautiful apartment and our gracious landlady, Louise.  Bruges is charming, quaint and very clean and we're so glad we have made it our home for a week.

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