Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday In Prague

We wake up to a beautiful, sunshine day, perfect for a bus ride
On the way, we see an interesting piece of art.  It's a giant moving head.

Different parts swivel around at different times going from normal to bizarre.  We watched in amazement for several minutes, but we must go.
So we're off to find the Hop-on-Hop-Off bus, tickets in hand we hop on.  Our guide Kelsey tells us about "Powder Gate", where all the gun powder was kept and the only remaining gate to the city.

Right next to it is the old municipal building--very Art Deco and now houses restaurants, museums and art galleries as do many of the old buildings in the city.

On the bus, we head for the Prague Castle, probably the crown jewel of Prague.

According to the Guiness Book of Records, Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle in the world.  Construction began in 870 and was completed in 1929, took them a while! The castle is the official residence of the President of the Czech Republic, currently Milos Zeman.  It has been a seat of power of kings, emperors and presidents.  It also houses the Bohemian Crown of Saint Charles IV, hidden in a room inside that takes 7 keys to open the door.  Legend has it that anyone who touches it that is not the true king will be cursed.
The castle grounds include the Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral.

We were able to tour the Cathedral to admire the altar, the graceful arches and the amazing stained glass windows.

We saw the changing of the guard at the palace before returning to the bus to finish up our tour.

Next on the agenda, lunch!  Time for a burger and a beer in the Old Town section.

Like I said, it's a perfect day and the people are out in droves.

We walk across the Charles Bridge.  It's a pedestrian only bridge that spans the Vltava River.  It's construction was started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV.  A series of statues line the bridge on both sides.

Like every where else in Europe, street performers are out to entertain.

On the river we see people trying to "walk on water."  Very amusing as long as you're not the one trying to do it!

We return back to the apartment for a little rest before our dinner cruise, but that story may have to wait until tomorrow.

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