Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Market and Planning a Day Trip

We're off to the market in Old Town for several things.

There is a wonderful street market open everyday.  I do love a good market.   First, we have decided to take a day trip to three other islands.

There were several kiosks to entice us  to take their trip.  The trip we chose leaves at 9:15 in the morning and returns at 5pm.  A long day, I know, but we'll pack a lot into it.  There is traveling between islands, snorkeling and lunch.
Having decided on our trip, now we need to buy our trip wardrobe.  Tom bought a new swimsuit, I bought a swimsuit cover-up/dress and we both bought towels, I think we're ready.

Strolling through the market we are always amazed by the bounty of food, fruits, veggies, meats, cheeses, lavender and lots of oils.  We bought a couple of peaches, the kind that are so juicy, the juice runs down your elbows!

We stopped for a cool refreshment before making the uphill trek back to the apartment.

Back home, we have a "taste of home" appetizer of chips, salsa and homemade margaritas before our taco dinner.

What a great day!  Can't wait until our  boat trip tomorrow!

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