Saturday, August 6, 2022


We didn't get to Bergen until almost 9 o'clock at night, so our time there was very limited. We checked into our hotel near the waterfront and took off in search of something to eat. Although it was after 10 0'clock the sun was still shining.
We found lots of interesting places along the harbor including a street market with a fish restaurant.
There were lots of beautiful fresh fish items to choose from
We decided on the fish and chips.
After we finished dinner and walked around the waterfront a few minutes, it began to get dark. Bergen is a beautiful quaint city. we wish we had more time to spend here.
The hotel offered a very generous breakfast buffet. There was just about everything you could imagine and probably some you wouldn't think of.
We boarded our train back to Oslo and were fortunate to be seated with a delightful young couple from the Detroit area. Jonathan and Eve were in Norway for the wedding of some friends and seeing some of the rest of the country. We enjoyed visiting with them and exchanging stories.


  1. Glad you made it back to Oslo! The pictures from the west coast were amazing. Have fun!!

  2. Hi Betsy & Tom, we have made it safe back to MI for a week now! It was a pleasure meeting you both on the train, we really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the photos. It brings us back to Norway! Thank you for sharing your stories with us. We wish you a wonderful and safe time in Italy, and we look forward to reading all about it!
