Sunday, August 7, 2016

The "Big Box" Store and a Festeggianmenti

There's a little rain this morning, but that seems like a good thing, makes the temps much more pleasant.
We are beginning to prepare for our guests coming next week.  In Castellammare there is a "big box" store with everything we are going to need, hopefully.

It's like a Super Target with everything from pots and pans to food, clothes, even motor oil.


Of course in a giant store like this one in Italy you are going to find lots of pasta varieties, olive oils, sauces and cheeses.  So many to choose from.

We spent almost 2 and 1/2 hours in there, something Tom probably wouldn't do at home!  However, we did have a good time shopping in the store.
When we returned home, we realized there was to be a festival at our little church just below us this evening in Furore.

The Festeggianmenti in Onore di Maria S.S. del Carmine was held at the Church of Sant' Elia.

It's a big deal for the little church here.
We followed the band to the church and were waiting patiently for the procession to begin.

The church bells have been ringing and ringing in anticipation of what's to come.  Finally a girl comes with a banner followed by ladies in red capes and finally the statue of Maria S.S. del Carmine carried by several men.

They made their way down the street followed by the parishners.

It was worth the wait, to hear the band and see the pageantry.  The music and festivities went on long past our bedtime.

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