Thursday, August 11, 2016

Best Laid Plans

Some times when you set out to do something, Mother Nature has plans of her own. That's what happened to us today.  Tom is a big proponent of the 5 P's.  Prior planning prevents poor performance.
The plan was to take the bus to Praiano, a beautiful little hillside village next to Furore.

We can see Praiano at night from just below our apartment.  When the lights come on there it is, just spectacular!

Today, we wanted to see it in the daylight and have lunch there.  We got on the Furore bus just at the bottom of the steps from our apartment and we were off for a day of sightseeing and exploring.

As we were winding our way through the mountainside, it started to rain.  And then it started to pour.  We had umbrellas, but they were no match for the deluge before us.  We did get off the bus momentarily, realized we would be drenched in no time and returned to the bus.  Thankfully, it was still sitting there.

So change of plans and back to the dry and then sunny apartment.  We fixed a nice lunch, made some sun tea and took a nap.  Not a bad alternate plan.

Our landlord, Pasquale, brought us a basket of fresh veggies from his garden that we will incorporate into our dinner tonight!

They will go good with the fresh fish we are preparing.

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