Friday, August 26, 2016

Packing a Lot into One Day

We started the day with another great breakfast on the terrace.  We needed a very nutritious meal since we had  a lot to see and do.  Another trip to the pottery store was a must.  Rick and Joy enjoyed seeing what they had to offer, so much so we couldn't make up our minds about what we wanted.  We'll have to sleep on it.
While we looked around in the pottery shop, Tom went to find out about a trip to the  Grotta Dello Smeraldo (Green Grotto).

Unlike the Blue Grotto on Capri we didn't have to wait in line, sit in a rocky boat or pay a higher price.
It was the bargain of the day at €5 each.

There was an elevator ride down to where we got in the boat (about 12 of us).

The guide rowed us around the grotto, seeing all the clear green  luminescent water and the stalactites and stalagmites.

It was an amazing experience and we all said we were so glad we did it.
Next on the agenda, was Marina di Praia.  We like this place because it's beautiful, easy to get to and we can park our car.
We had a nice lunch at Il Pirata with the beautiful view.

Next a bit of a respite was in order.
Later, Pasquale had a special. surprise for us.  He took us on a fantastic tour of the Agerola area.  He is so proud of his home town and rightfully so, it is spectacular.  He showed us places we would never have seen on our own. All the places he took us had unbelievable views.

He showed us where a new piazza was under construction and treated us to a frozen lemonade.

On the way to next place we ran into a herd of goats!

Even though it was a bit hazy this evening, the next place, we could see all the way to Capri.

The hillside views are the most charming.

Following Pasquale on to the next stop,

we came to Integralpane--the bread maker.

Pasquale showed us all the hard breads that have to be soaked in water to soften them so that they are  edible.

Soaking for 10 seconds will do it!  Olive oil, herbs and it's a treat!

The baker showed us his technique for making the bread and prepared our taste treat. Yum!

Needless to say, we bought bread.
Next stop cheese.

This was fresh  mozzarella  made with cows milk rather than the traditional buffalo milk.
The owner fixed us a sample of her delicious cheese which we ate with the aforementioned bread.

It was all fantastic.
Next, we're off to another view.  We looked down on the former monastery that is now a luxury hotel.

The lights were beginning to come on and we could see Amalfi and beyond--just breathtaking.

Now to another awesome view, but it's gotten too dark for pictures.  Trust me, it was incredible!  But he was not finished yet.  We headed for the gelato shop for a sweet treat.  We each picked our favorite flavor and sat to enjoy not only our gelato but a beautiful evening.  Thanks to Pasquale for a wonderful look at  Agerola!

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