Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lunch with Megan and an Evening at the Eiffel Tower

Megan, our neighbor's daughter has been living and studying in Paris for almost two years.  We had dinner with her earlier when her parents were here, but we wanted to see her again before we left.  So we decided on lunch.
We met her at the Abesses Metro and walked down to Le Basilic Restaurant.

It's a very charming little French Bistro.

Megan had duck, Tom and I had steak, all so delicious!  We had a nice visit, showed Megan around our neighborhood and walked her back to the Metro to say goodbye.
In Paris almost a month and we have yet to see the Eiffel Tower up close at night.  Having just seen Sacre Coeur at night, we're ready to take on the Eiffel.  On the Metro to the Trocadero.  Along the Seine, which is almost back to normal levels, people are enjoying the river once again.

We snag some perfect viewing spots.  It's only 9:45pm so we have to wait.

There are thousands of people who have come to do the same thing.

The vendors are out in mass.

Here it's more upscale than Sacre Coeur.  Not only are they selling "fresh, cold beer" but also wine--red, white and rose, and Champagne!  We were given many opportunities to buy, but we opted for an ice cream cone instead.  One vendor said, "Ice cream and beer--good."

This is the greatest people watching place ever.

The Eiffel Tower is surely the most photographed icon in Paris if not all of Europe.  
At 10:00pm the Eiffel started to twinkle!

Everyone was having such fun taking pictures of the Tower, selfies, groups and family photos. They were not alone, we hopped up and asked someone to take a picture of the two of us with the Eiffel in the background--could be the Christmas card!

We waited and waited for it to twinkle again, but it was not to happen again until 11:00pm.

As we headed out we passed people dancing on the patio of the Trocadero.

One last look back at that classic Paris icon.

Another late night for us, so it's back to the Metro and back home.

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