Monday, June 27, 2016

Laval Part II An annual street market!

After our great adventure yesterday, what would be in store for today?  Well, once a year Laval has a street fair to end all street fairs!  This time each year town merchants set up on the sidewalk on both sides of Main Street and put their goods on sale.  In addition to the local fare, vendors come from all around the region with their goods as well.  We walked from Olivier and Claire's house down to the middle of town and there it was!  Traffic was closed off to cars and the sale went on all the way up Main Street, across the Mayenne River bridge and continued up Main Street on the other side of the river.

This was undoubtedly the largest street market we have been to.  There are always clothes, hats and shoes!

But in addition there was sausage, cheese, cacti,  even a hair removal demonstration.

I loved seeing the vendors prove their wares.

We were even entertained by some sellers.

Just as we were feeling like we needed a little rest from all the walking and excitement, we decided to take in the Chateau de Laval museum.

 It was closed, but that did not stop a lot of activity in the courtyard.  The school children had made thousands of poppies to place in the yard.

We found seats to enjoy a steel drum concert!  It was fantastic!

Of course all this activity will work up an appetite, too.  Olivier had made a reservation at a new restaurant just steps from the museum.

We would highly recommend Le Bristot Du Palais!  It was delicious.  Sadly, we said our goodbyes to Olivier and Claire and thanked them for another wonderful Laval weekend.  Back on the road and back to Paris.

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