Friday, June 10, 2016

Camera! and Saint Pierre de Montmartre

Oh happy day!  We went to pick up my camera after the repairs were made.  So happy to have it back.
We are positioned between two major churches in our area of Montmartre.  I've written about the one above us, the most notable, Sacre Coeur but the one just down the hill from us is Saint Pierre de Montmartre.

 The bells from Saint Pierre's ring on the hour and in the early evening music is played on them.  Historically, the church was founded by Saint Denis in the third century.  In 1134, King Louis VI purchased the Merovingian Chapel and built the church of Saint Pierre de Montmarte   on the site.  It's the oldest surviving church in Paris.  It is thought the Jesuits were founded there.  According to the earliest biography of Saint Ignatius Loyola, the church was the location where the vows were taken that led to the founding of the Society of Jesus.  The church is small compared to some but the stain glass windows are exquisite and the history surpasses many.  We love having this beautiful historic church just steps from our apartment.  Here are some of the gorgeous pictures from the inside of this charming church.

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