Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A day in our Montmartre neighborhood

We're staying close to home today.  We need to find a place to park our leased car when we pick it up on Thursday.  There are several possibilities, we just need to find the right one.  Guess we won't know until Thrusday.
Right outside our usual Metro Station--Abesses, we find a beautiful little park, the Square Jehan Rictus.

In the park is the "I Love You" wall.  The wall is 10 ft. x 4 ft. and is composed of 612 tiles.  The words "I Love You" are written in over 300 languages, including Braille and sign language.  It was created by Frederic Barom.

We found this park totally by accident, and I'm glad we did!

On the way down the street, we see these painted posts.

In Paris if you stand still you get painted!  They are so clever and unique.

This artist has many opportunities for his/her work!

There's a Carrefour grocery store very close to us, so we take a little time to pick up a few things to see us through to the end of our time here.
Since we are in this area, I've wanted to sit on the steps of Sacre Coeur and watch the lights of the city come on.  After all, we are in the "City of Lights."  We leave our apartment around 9:45pm and take the funicular up to the top.
10pm and still very light,

10:30, beginning to dim

and even 11:00 is not totally dark.

Vendors are everywhere trying to sell you a beer.
 Sacre Coeur is even more dramatic at night.

We didn't realize there would be a fire show!   Two young men put on a show for tips. The step-sitters were in awe of the fire twirling.

This has been going on every night??
On the way home, we see people pouring out of the bars into the street.

This has been going on every night??  We are getting old.

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